Sunday, February 20, 2011

One Third Down!

We would have arrived tomorrow, Feb 21st four months ago.  That is a third of our time in India behind us, thirty four more weeks and counting.

This past week was the last week we could spend some time with Erik.  We did not get to spend much time with him though due to official duties but the breakfast we had with him at Westin Hotel was a nice goodbye.  

Friday was the first day for both of us to have felt a little off, we felt a little jittery and nauseous.  We are not sure what it was and I doubt it was something we had at breakfast since I started feeling weird before breakfast.  Fortunately we dosed ourselves with everything we had and soon felt better.  If there is one feeling I hate then it is that nauseous feeling.

Teresa gave training to some of the local employees at her company that will be going to the USA for a couple of weeks.  The idea behind the training is just for them to be prepared what to expect and what would they experience differently from India.  One of the persons that was also part of the trainers group mentioned to us that there is another lady that is from South Africa working at the office.  He got them connected via email and we met up with her on Saturday at Beyond Coffee.  We had a lite lunch and a couple of cups of cappuccino and enjoyed her company quite a bit.  She was born and raised in Cape Town and it is always interesting to meet up with new people.

The previous two weekends we did not choose the most healthy options to eat and decided we will do the correct thing this weekend.  For lunch on Saturday each of us had a chicken sandwich and for Sunday we decided to go to News Cafe and enjoy a salad each for lunch.  We did go to Beyond Coffee again after lunch for yet another one of their delicious Cappuccino's.

Beyond Coffee is not to far from us and one of the partners of the shop is an American.  We have been there before for lunch and in one of my earlier entries wrote about it.

We did not take too many pictures this past week but I am posting a couple of pictures we took a couple of Sundays ago when we went on a late afternoon drive. 

We took this picture with Teresa's cellphone.  A convertible auto rickshaw.

This was a meat pie I made earlier the week using ground lamb and samosa pastry sheets. 

Hussain Sagar Lake with the statue. 

Something we have not seen to much of, people having fun with a boat on the lake.

We do not know too much about this old tank except that it is by the lake for all to see.

Some important person's Tomb from way back when.

More of the parks next to the lake.

Walk ways with benches at the lake.

Another view of the statue.

Not are they only used as family cars but also pickup's.  Note, the driver is talking on his cellphone.

More of the "up to code" electrical works.

A rare sight, an ambulance.

Do not know why I always complain about not being able to buy meat, here is a perfectly good butcher shop.